At Project Gaia, we’re challenging development dogma. We believe all families deserve modern stoves and fuels.
Project Gaia’s team of alcohol stove and fuel experts regularly test and pilot different alcohol stoves in order to ensure the safest and cleanest stoves reach households in need. Project Gaia promotes any alcohol-powered stove that meets our safety, efficiency, design, and user acceptability standards. We are constantly testing, evaluating and working to improve alcohol-fueled appliances. At present, we have found the CLEANCOOK stove models, to be the industry leader in clean alcohol-fueled stoves for household use.

Fact: One CLEANCOOK stove and one liter of ethanol saves 16 pounds (8 kilograms) of wood per day.
Stove Specs
- Manufacturer: CLEANCOOK AB
- Canister Capacity: 1.2 liters
- Burns 4-5 hours/ maximum heat
- Burns 9-10 hrs/ low heat
- 39/40 safety rating*
Available Stove Models:
- Aluminum Single Burner
- Aluminum Double Burner
- Stainless Steel Single Burner
- Stainless Steel Double Burner
- Aluminum Model: 6 years
- Stainless Steel Model: 10 years