Gaia Association participated in a two day exhibition and workshop held by the Ethiopian Civil Society Network on Climate Change (ECSNCC) on 19-20 April 2011 in Addis Ababa. Gaia Association -a clean fuels and cookstoves initiative – led the Environmental Working Group (EWG) of the ECSNCC, a group of six non-governmental organizations working to expand and develop sustainable, renewable energy technologies in Ethiopia. Alongside Gaia Association in the EWG are Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY), Christian Aid, Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Union (CETU) and Forum for Environment (FfE).

Organizations participating in the general exhibition included GIZ, LIDETCO, HOREC, Christian Aid, FFE, Adam+ Partner, SOLAR 23, Selam Vocational and the Ministry of Water and Energy Biogas Program. The exhibition offered a diversity of renewable energy products using biofuel, biogas and solar energy. Participants shared knowledge and experience of appropriate technologies related to renewable energy production, energy efficiency and waste treatment.

The second day of the event featured a workshop dedicated to presentations, including an UKAid-funded assessment study on potential and constraints of alternative energy in Ethiopia by Ethiopian consultants Mekonnen Kasa and Hilawe Lakew. Numerous private and public stakeholders participated in the workshop – including the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Ethiopian Ministry of Water and Energy. The workshop was designed to promote the use of renewable energy to achieve improved energy security and energy access, economic development, climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as environmental sustainability in Ethiopia. The workshop also provided a space for interactive discussion between the participants.
The ECSNCC is a network of Ethiopian Civil Society organizations promoting research and innovation that confront climate change. It was first conceived during the 2007 Green Forum that held the first national meeting on climate change.
Gaia Association is an Ethiopian non-profit, non-governmental organization working to provide modern stoves and clean alcohol fuels to families in Ethiopia, since 2005.
Wubshet Tadele +251-116-183540
Gulce Askin +1(717)-334-5594