Project Gaia, Inc. (PGI) signed an agreement with Shell’s Nigerian production division, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo), on November 5 in Lagos.
Both executive director Harry Stokes and Joe Obueh of PGI’s Nigerian affiliate, Project Gaia Prospects Ltd, represented PGI.
As per the agreement, SNEPCo will purchase a total of 2,500 double burner CleanCook stoves and 15,000 fuel canisters for a clean cooking program, with the possibility to scale up in the future. The project aims to jumpstart the Nigerian ethanol cookstove supply chain.
Stokes noted PGI’s long relationship with Shell and expressed excitement about the new agreement. “We started this journey with Shell International in 2001 and executed the first project three years later in Brazil and Haiti with support from Shell Foundation. We then went to Ethiopia where the government has supported the use of ethanol clean cookstoves in all refugee camps because of the inherent health benefits. We’re happy that the project is now in Nigeria with the active support of SNEPCo.”
For more information, please read Shell’s official press release at http://www.shell.com.ng/aboutshell/media-centre/news-and-media-releases/2015-news-releases/snepco-promotes-methanol-clean-cookstoves.html.