New Gaia Annoucements: Ethiopia, Haiti, Madagascar
On: October 5, 2012 | by: Project Gaia | in: News
In September Gaia announces: Ethiopia distillery to be built by Spectrum Technologies; New Partnership for Haiti; November Workshop in Madagascar
In September Gaia announces: Ethiopia distillery to be built by Spectrum Technologies; New Partnership for Haiti; November Workshop in Madagascar
Our earliest CleanCook stoves were distributed in 2001. Joe and Henrietta have been cooking on their stove for 11 years and counting…
May 29, 2012 Harry Stokes of Project Gaia was announced the winner of 2012 World Bioenergy Award on May 29 in Jönköping, Sweden. Harry was selected by the World Bioenergy Association jury out of six finalists including entrepreneurs, government officials and … Continued
Gaia Association- Ethiopia Offers Request to Join General Assembly. The General Assembly is a group of individuals committed to supporting Gaia Association’s mission to improve lives, the environment and the well-being of families with clean and safe ethanol cookstoves and fuel.
Gaia announces Request for Expression of Interest to install a 1,000 liter per day microdistillery in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Deadline for submission is Friday March 23, 2012.
The NABDA project brings the distillery together with an initial 1,000 CleanCook ethanol stoves, a safe, efficient stove developed by the Dometic Group and selected by Project Gaia for use in Africa
Supermodel and philanthropist Gisele Bundchen visited several clean cookstove projects including the CleanCook ethanol stove during a five-day energy access exposure visit to Kenya in honor of the UN launched International Year of Sustainable Energy for All.
On November 23, Gaia Association, in partnership with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority, launched the new project “Fuel from Waste: Demonstrating the Feasibility of Locally Produced Ethanol for Household Cooking in Addis Ababa.”
Ethiopian non-profit organization Gaia Association showcased its commercial ethanol cookstove and fuel initiatives at the “Go Green Africa Fair” held from June 23 to 26, 2011, at the Addis Ababa Exhibition Center.
Firehiwot of Gaia Association attended the workshop – The Health Burden of Indoor Air Pollution on Women and Children in Developing Countries. The workshop brought together over 150 health and stove experts.
Abstract The need for targeted energy interventions during relief efforts, especially for cooking but also for other household needs such as lighting and refrigeration, is becoming more critical and apparent. Supplying energy to people in crisis has frequently been neglected … Continued
Upon her arrival in Awbarre camp four years ago, Sofia used firewood as cooking fuel. With six other women, she would walk up to 8 kilometers every four days to collect firewood.
Join Project Gaia for this program featuring Hillary Clinton and Julia Roberts on Saturday May 7th at 8-9:30PM – OWN channel to learn more about the relationship between cookstoves, women and the environment!
Gaia Association participated in a two day exhibition and workshop held by the Ethiopian Civil Society Network on Climate Change (ECSNCC) on 19-20 April 2011 in Addis Ababa. Gaia Association -a clean fuels and cookstoves initiative – led the Environmental Working Group (EWG) of the ECSNCC, a group of six non-governmental organizations working to expand and develop sustainable, renewable energy technologies in Ethiopia.
Partners for Euro-African Green Energy (PANGEA) and Project Gaia, Inc. held the event Clearing the Smoke: Promotion of CleanCook Ethanol Fuel Stoves in Developing Countries, as part of EU Sustainable Energy Week on Thursday, 14 April 2011 at the European Parliament. The event was hosted by MEP Christofer Fjellner (EPP/Sweden) and included presentations from the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), Project Gaia, Inc., and stove manufacturer, Dometic AB.
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai quotes Gaia’s work with clean cookstoves in Ethiopia in her book, “The Challenge for Africa”. Read the excerpt here!
In the heart of ethanol country, a coalition of women in Sioux Falls, SD have mobilized to create a spectacular event which will celebrate women and “give back” by sponsoring stoves for women in Africa and Latin America. Their example connects women across the globe by educating those of us in the U.S. on the dangers women face in the developing world to cook their daily meals and allowing women to send stoves and cards to families in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Madagascar, and Haiti. We love this example of truly grassroots fundraising which empowers women in the U.S. and in the areas we work in Africa and Latin America!
Firehiwot Mengesha of Gaia Association joined our partners in clean energy technology at the 2011 ETHOS symposium, presenting about the lessons Gaia has earned through experience with small and large scale ethanol supply for household energy
Mekdes Ijigu, Assistant Project Coordinator of Gaia Association, recently attended the 2011 ECSNCC Forum, representing Gaia and the renewable energy implementing group. The ECSNCC is a venue for Gaia Association to share its experience with renewable household energy and disseminate project results to relevant stakeholders.
Gaia Association has received a grant from the Ethiopian Federal Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to source and install three microdistilleries in rural Ethiopian communities.
On November 16, 2010, Dr. Paul Anastas of the EPA met with the Gaia Association for a day of discussions and field site visits to assess future strategies for clean cooking. The trip is part of the EPA’ s increasing efforts to develop solutions that ensure clean, household energy for the millions in the world who lack access to energy.
The IIEA, in collaboration with Project Gaia, will host a seminar on Appropriate-scale Alcohol Fuel Production in Atlanta, Georgia November 29 to December 2, 2010. The 3 and a half day educational seminar will focus on small-scale alcohol fuel production … Continued
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton announces the new public-private partnership to provide 100 million homes with clean stoves by the year 2020, saying “clean stoves can be as transformative as bed nets and vaccines”. Project Gaia was represented at the Global Launch on September 23, 2010. This new Alliance has created a flurry of press around the benefits of clean cookstoves, picked up by CNN, BBC, New York Times, the Guardian, etc.
Gaia found far-reaching support for a stove and fuel initiative in Haiti. Many new partners have been identified and site visits for pilot studies were conducted. The Haiti project is now gearing up with the many capable partners on the ground.
POET is the U.S.-based leading producer of ethanol in the world. Vital is their quarterly magazine with an online component that has a readership of more than 22,000. Gaia’s photo makes the cover of the April 2010 edition and the Gaia story is featured– read here. Thanks to Julie Flannery-Allen for the wonderful article “Stoves that Save”!
Alternative Energy Africa magazine took reader nominations for the best African renewable energy projects for the past year. The year 2009 saw the continent gaining momentum in the sector and many large-scale projects were announced or moved forward. Here we … Continued
On March 16, Project Gaia won the 2010 Sustainable Biofuels Award for Adoption at the World Biofuels Markets Conference in Amsterdam. In the past, this award has been given to government, a municipal vehicle fleet or a new user who … Continued
Bringing the promise of hastened recovery for Haitian families devastated by the recent earthquake, Project Gaia International, a global clean-cooking initiative, announces a new effort to place clean-cooking, ethanol-fueled stoves in Haitian homes. “Since the earthquake, most Haitian households have … Continued
Why Is Cooking Important?, a film by Jake Boritt documenting how refugees’ lives are transformed thanks to Project Gaia, premiered at COP15 during the Climate and Development Days Film Festival. This video features “Wavin’ Flag” by hip-hop star K’naan. You … Continued
Project Gaia is one of the case studies featured in a recent report compiled for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) and PISCES (Policy Innovative Systems for Clean Energy Security) by Practical Action Consulting. The study focuses on … Continued